I breastfed my son Ricky for his first 14 months. I did it for all the reasons the doctors say to do it - it's good for the baby, it gives the baby his immunities, it supposedly increases the baby's IQ, and helped me drop those 45 pounds I gained during pregnancy. Although kind of painful at times, I found breastfeeding to be very rewarding.
There is nothing wrong with mothers who choose NOT to breastfeed. That is their own personal choice or sometimes their breasts cannot produce milk and they have problems nursing so they cannot.
I take Ricky to his Toddler Tumbling class every Wednesday and I saw the following:
Three toddler boys had a mild collision on the trampoline. Two of the boys walked away shaken but okay and one - Nathan, a 3 year old- was crying. He went to his mother and just wanted a hug. She put him under her shirt and breastfed him for about 15 minutes in the middle of the floor for all to see! My mommy friends and the other mommies were grossed out. It certainly did not helpthe situation that the mommy is very obese.
I noticed that the mothers who never nursed their kids were especially grossed out. The mothers who I know did nurse their kids were grossed out as well, but were not as obnoxious as the ones who never nursed. It was interesting and sad to see the stigma associated with nursing but with the older age of the child, I kind of understood it at the same time. In a way, I felt like I was betraying all the nursing mothers of the world.
Nathan is three years old. I used to nurse Ricky once in a while to comfort him if he fell or hurt himself during those 14 months of nursing, but at three years old I just hug and kiss him. I tried to explain this concept to the moms who never nursed - but it didn't matter. They were still disgusted.
I guess it's a personal matter. Ricky says BOOBS now and then and he has acquired a habit of touching mine and reaching for the breasts of my mom, aunt, and cousin also. I think that if the child can say "breast" and giggle about them, he is too old to be nursing. But then again, who am I to say? I guess I am not sure how old is too old so... How old is too old?
1 comment:
Good question! I breast fed for 15 months; my daughter was a late walker and started walking at 16 months. I think until around the time that the baby can walk is the right amount.
ps: I don't know what to get a work either. I made scarves last year, but I didn't knit this year.
pps: Great blog! You have more exciting experiences at work than I do.
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