I have been a bad bad girl and have not blogged for a long time. Never mind the fact that I am a NaBloPoMo drop-out. I have been saving lots of things to write about, namely, the fact that we live next to a man who has tons of trees on his property - he told me once that they came from seeds he planted years ago. That is all fine and dandy. I love trees. But the man refuses to clean up after them. In the seven years we have been living next door to him, we have never once seen him rake his leaves. They just keep blowing onto our yard - then onto the neighbors' yards and pissing everyone off.
He does not own a rake!! He must not, because it's never been used.
Here are pictures of our front yard. Mind you, our landscapers completely cleaned our yards the day before - and not one leaf was seen. Because of the winds, these leaves you see are from our neighbor's yard - and are now our headache.
Mark and I complain about this every fall - and since this is our last fall in this house, I am glad we won't have to deal with again - because our future next door neighbors are thankfully very anal about their yards. The only bad thing there is that we are afraid they will complain about us. We plan on keeping the landscapers - there would be no way to keep up with the neighbors otherwise!
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