I signed up for this class along with 3 of my mommy friends and it has been a great way to get together every week. We did do playdates over the summer at people's houses or at the park, but now that it's getting colder and school has started, we are all a little busier.
This class is offered through the Chicago Park District and only cost us $45. It has 20 toddlers in it and they put out various stations that the kids can use as well as general open gymnastics equipment. The teacher does round us all up to do stretches (photo) and we also do the parachute thing-y which Ricky just loves. In the beginning I was freaking out because Ricky did not want to do what all the kids were doing - he would wander off if he was bored with the activity at hand (ie stretching) but now I don't care.
Mark took Halloween off - so he was able to attend the class with us and see what Ricky's class is like. I took the opportunity of this help to take some snap shots of the class.
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