Monday, January 14, 2008


So I went to see a Fertility doctor last week and he told me to only drink half a cup of coffee a day - no more. I guess the caffeine boosts your chances of having a miscarriage - and in my case, I can't take any chances of losing any possibility I might have - I figured that the best thing would be to go cold turkey.

I love my coffee - I look forward to my first cup every morning. Sometimes in the afternoon, I will also have a cup if I'm in the mood for it.

So the minute the doctor told me this, I haven't had a drop - and suffered a migraine headache for two days as a result. Mark had to take Ricky to a birthday party over the weekend without me. I was too busy trying not to puke. When I get bad migraines, the pain is so intense it gives me nausea.

So today I go to a playdate with my 3 girlfriends and 2 of them who are both pregnant and in their second trimester are pounding coffees. They tell me that they have always had coffee every day throughout their pregnancies. ugh - life is so not fair.

I decided to order steamed milk with caramel when I am at a Starbucks with a friend and too sad not to have a cup of coffee. I love hot drinks - hot milk will do just fine.


Felicia said...

You could try herbal tea :)

Anonymous said...

You should count your blessings - you have a child. Life is much more unfair for individuals suffering from infertility who can't even have one.

Hooeyspewer said...

Wow - sorry about the caffeine withdrawal headaches, Carrie. I've suffered through those myself and know that they're no fun. The only good thing is knowing that they're temporary & you're going through them for a good reason.

Just as an aside, I think your post lamented your inability to partake in your daily drink of choice: coffee. As someone who is part of a marriage that is not capable of producing a child, I just thought I'd let you know that unlike "anonymous" I don't think you're complaining about life in general being unfair. Rather, I understand that you made reference to unfairness in respect to coffee consumption. I've read enough of your blog to know you don't take what you have for granted.

Good luck with your attempts to have another child.