Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Mark and I were pretty happy with our Halloween party. Nobody called the cops, nobody puked in our house, and it seems that all our guests made it home safely.

All that preparing though - all those nights of rolling dough, moving toys and furniture, washing platters, and creating cobwebs left me absolutely exhausted and sick as a dog. I have a bad cold and cough and my doctor put me on some antibiotics. I must admit that I added the color green to my description of my mucus in order to get the prescription. I needed to be more convincing. This is the second time in 2 months that I've been sick. No sleep!!

The party was fun and preparing for it was fun too. But now that it's over, I am dying for our house to look like Halloween does not exist - even though Halloween is tomorrow! One thing's for sure though - I will make it a point to do more fun things with Ricky this week - the poor kid was ignored so much during our preparations and shipped off to Grandma's for the weekend. Now I realize why my friends with multiple kids don't have bashes like this.

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