My mom came back from a nice tour of Scandanavia recently. As one of her souvenirs for my husband, she bought him a hat of Norway's football team but I think she really bought it for the Carlsberg logo on the side. Well the front of the hat, as you can see, says "FCK".
So the fans of this team walk around Norway wearing this hat to support their team. Well that's just dandy. I can just picture a bunch of people walking around wearing "FCK" hats like it was no big deal. I think I would snicker for a while but eventually get used to it and feel so immature for laughing in the first place.
My mom is pretty innocent, and seriously bought him the hat and expects him to wear it. When she brought it over, we saved our giggles until she got in her car and drove away. My husband certainly does not want to go out in public wearing that and neither do I. If I wore it I am sure I'd be getting lots of unwanted attention.
How about French Connection UK?
Imagine being dyslexic and trying to read that (I'm not dyslexic and even I have a tough time)?
Better yet, imagine your mom bringing either of you an "FCUK" shirt back as a souvenir? :)
I'll wear the hat :)
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