Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rewarding She Who Hits our Behinds

We took Ricky to see Thomas the Train this weekend in Union, Illinois at the Illinois Railway Museum. This train travels the country so this was the only time we could go.

We set out in the morning all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and I thought we would make it in time to eat lunch out there. We were on the tollway, in the cash only lane, waiting our turn in line. We were behind a guy on a motorcycle, who wouldn't move up because he was digging through his leather jacket for his money to pay the toll.

Suddenly, we got rear-ended. It didn't really occur to us at first - it was just a strong jolt. Mark said, "What the hell was that?" It felt like a very large bird hit our car, but I knew we got hit from behind.

I jumped out of the car and there was a woman - maybe in her 30s with her earphones on, in a green Dodge Neon just sat there looking at me. She came out and said, "What happenned? Did you back up?" What a complete dumbass.... apparently, her son likes to take off his seat belt and she was turned around telling him to keep it on when our car appeared out of nowhere.

I took out a crayon and paper to write down her plate number and my mood got worse when I saw 'NEW DRIVER NEW BABY" on her rear window. When I see cars that advertise NEW DRIVER I take it to mean STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME BECAUSE I'M A SUCKY DRIVER.

Long story short: Everyone was fine. State trooper came and filled out a report. The trooper took forever to get to us so Mark and our Rear-ender ended up shooting the breeze while I waited in the car with Ricky. Basically she has been in the U.S. for 10 years, has a 3 year old son with a man who she is currently divorcing. She *just* got her drivers license 4 days ago and just bought her car a week ago and needed to drop her son off at the airport to catch a flight with his grandma to Texas. Her husband has schizophrenia and tried to KILL their 3 year old son. Her beast of a mother-in-law (who is waiting at the airport) is in a custody battle with her.

Mark took pity on her life - and yeah, her current situation does suck. But Thomas is waiting! Ricky was sitting in the backseat patiently saying, "Mommy, I want to see Thomas!!! Where is Daddy?" Our car was perfectly fine - we just got a little scratch and you'd never know we ever got hit. Her car on the other hand, looked totalled to me. Glad to know that our last car purchase was a smart one. We may drive a tank and gas guzzle (not proud of that) , but at least our son is A-OK.

She seemed nice overall but...SHE RUINED OUR DAY. We lost 2 hours! So my Care Bear of a husband decides we should drive the Rear-ender and her son to the airport!!!!!! So we did. And all the while I kept thinking that I never would have driven a stranger anywhere if I were alone - that my husband is possibly *way* too nice, and that I may possibly be a major beeyatch.

Are we stupid, nice, or both? Mark blames the motorcyclist for not moving up - which I will never agree with. And hello - I don't know about you, but I endured several months of practice behind the wheel before I attempted driving to the airport (or expressway) by myself!!

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