Saturday, August 25, 2007

How Can She Be Married to Him???

For the last few months, there has been a man in his 50s coming into the library, using the internet 10-minute express terminals and having a tantrum maybe once or twice a month. He is always wearing the same blue t-shirt and jean shorts. Always. Yours truly has been the lucky librarian on duty to witness these lovely fits.

One time he was pissed that there were kids using 2 of the Express terminals and was shouting at me (yes, shouting) that I needed to banish them to the kids' department. I asked him if they were bothering him? He didn't answer me but continued yelling that those computers are for adults only. He started to piss me off - and the children's extremely tall and muscley father stood up - maybe 3 feet over him. I told the man that these kids are patrons also, that their parents pay the taxes for the library as well, and as long as they are not disturbing anyone, they have the right to be there. I actually told him that he needed to calm down or I would call the security guard and have him escorted out of the library. I couldn't believe I was saying that to someone. But I had to. He kept yelling for a bit, but when the kids' huge dad looked over, he cowered and angrily sulked.

Then last week he came in again and started yelling that there was an express computer that had a reservation on it. He said that they should not be reserved. He is right but that doesn't mean he can be an a-hole about it. It was a glitch in the system. He was the only person using the computers - and there were a total of 5. He was standing with Barbara, an old co-worker of mine who works in technical services. She is a cataloger. She is a really nice lady. I thought she was helping him - and I was rolling my eyes at her and my face said "Do you believe this a-hole? What a jerk!!".

I couldn't believe it when Barbara left the library for the day with this guy. The mean sweaty guy in the blue t-shirt. I then realized that the a-hole is her husband!! She could have done better than that! She has 2 kids (in their 20s) with this man and I wonder how she lives with someone who gets so upset over such little things and is verbally abusive. I think I would die if Mark came into my place of employment and had tantrums and wore the same smelly outfit day in and day out.

The funny part is that she didn't seem the least bit embarassed by his behavior - she didn't tell him to shush or anything. She acted like that behavior is acceptable. She is a nutt herself, I guess.

I guess my question is what the hell did she ever see in this guy? Maybe she loves being abused and gets turned on by it. Who knows? This part time library gig has showed me how looney people are and I think I've stopped being surprised at what I see, hear, and UGH...smell.

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