Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An Unwanted New Friend

I went to our friends' house Saturday to attend a Dove Chocolate party. Mark was battling an ear infection so I went solo. I was chatting and enjoying my glass of wine and was fingering my necklace around my neck. This is probably one of those things I do when I'm talking. I felt a large bump on the right side of my neck. Suddenly, all the laughing and funny talk I was participating in wasn't funny anymore. Nothing was.

I just kept feeling my lump. My friend Kat is a massage therapist and she probably feels lots of people's lumps. I showed it to her and she pressed on it - and it hurt - and she could move it around. Maybe it's my imagination, but today it feels smaller than it did over the weekend.

So of course I just *had* to google it. And of course horrible things are popping up - including the Big C, so I just stopped. I have 2 little kids - I'm not allowed to be sick!!

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!!


The Captain's Wife said...

good luck, keep us posted. It is prolly a swollen gland or a fatty cyst (I know it sounds gross!). I have had a couple of weird things like that on occasion, and they have gone away on their own.

Eden Riley said...

Oh sweetheart ..... how did you go at the doctors? Isn't google pointless in times like this ... it's best if I stay away from it.

So many people have told me their lymph/cyst stories - apparently it's very common.

Hope you went ok, trying to figure out which tomorrow you meant. Mine or yours, lolz.


Carrie Ann said...

Thanks so much for your supportive comments guys!! Means a lot to me! :)