Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here to Stay - At Least for Now

I went to the doctor this morning and their unusual sense of urgency in seeing me made me a little nervous. I've always had to wait at least 45 minutes!! But I was really thankful because I brought Teddy with me (20 months) along with an arsenal of toys and a big Elmo pop up book to keep him busy. We didn't even have to wait. I gave my name and told the receptionist I had to use the bathroom and no sooner did I lock the door of the bathroom that they called my name.

The doctor felt my new friend and I told her that Mark and Ricky have been sick the past week. She checked the rest of my neck, and my armpits for more enlarged glands and there was nothing.

She told me that she wants me to stop playing with my friend - a habit I have to admit I have taken on since I found out it was there. She said that the more I play with it, the more irritated it will get and it may actually get bigger because of that. So she told me to feel it every other day in the shower. This is going to be tough for me. I'm the girl who plays with my hair while I talk on the phone, I'm fidgety. I'll have to constantly remind myself to not touch my darn neck!!!

My doctor then told me that she wants me to wait 4 WEEKS to see if my friend gets bigger or smaller. She said that bad things don't usually get smaller. She said that if my friend gets bigger, I need to call and they will recommend me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. When I told my sister this, she asked why I'm not seeing the specialist now anyways. If it's the Big C, it could grow worse (or spread) in 4 weeks.

The doctor's demeanor was weird. She was overly chatty, talking fast and was kind of nervous. Not the calm that I was looking for. She said that she's seen glands that were as big as apples in people's necks in the 20 years she's been practicing, so mine doesn't really seem so bad. Well, if you think I'm okay, why are you beet red and perspiring while you're telling me I'm probably okay?? I'm going to tell myself she just got out of a spinning class before seeing me.

4 weeks of knowing that I could have the Big C or I could be okay.
4 weeks of trying not to play with my new friend on my neck.
4 weeks of wishing my latest guest would go back to wherever it came from so I can go on with my life!!!

1 comment:

The Captain's Wife said...

Do you have any updates on this yet? DId the lump go away? Get bigger? Results? Have been thinking about it for a while now and you have not updated~