Monday, July 28, 2008

Next Time, No Pull-Ups

It's a big party at my house because as of Friday morning, our little man has used the potty consistently. No accidents since Thursday. I was amazed that this process only took 2 days. It was just Wednesday and Thursday. I was worried that he wasn't ready because he actually told me he didn't want to wear underpants and said he liked wearing Pull-ups so he could pee in them and didn't have to stop playing. While I see his logic, I wanted him to see *my* logic.

We did the Pull-up thing for a few months and since hindsight is 20/20, I would definitely not bother with the Pull-ups with the next baby. I took the advice of nancy, who told me to just go hard-core and put him in underpants - and it totally worked! I was reluctant because we're in the middle of selling our house and didn't want the house to smell like pee - but since the housing market is oh-so bad right now, what the heck does it matter then. It's not as if people are waiting in line to see our house.

I still put him in a Pull-Up at naptime and night-time despite the fact that he keeps waking up with dry Pull-ups the last few days. But I think we can trust him to try his best now. The Jackpotty has been a huge hit with him - and I hope it doesn't lead to a gambling problem in the future.

We were having friends over for dinner Saturday night, and had a packed day but managed to make time to take Ricky to ToysRus for some reward toys. He picked out a Nerf gun and a Superman car carrier truck. He also asked us to take him to the Renaissance Faire and to Six Flags. We promised him we would. How could we not?

This is a big relief also because his pre-school will not admit kids who are not potty trained. The papers I have specifically say "No Pull-Ups." We were afraid he wouldn't be able to attend.

So I am looking forward to 5 whole diaper-free months before baby number two arrives. I am so proud of Ricky but kind of sad that he is a big boy now.


beverlyanne said...

Congratulations! It's a big deal.

Michael said...

We haven't gone cold turkey on the pull-ups yet... We probably should, but it's easy to forget he has a tiny bladder and just go about our day. I'm probably the biggest offender. Plus his pre-school doesn't have a no-pull-ups rule, so there's nobody forcing us. :)

Hats off to you!