Friday, April 10, 2009

Irish Twins?

I've been having cramps for the last few days and had that barfy feeling a few times - and the thought came - am I pregnant?? I have a 3 month old baby!! I did the math and the baby would be born in December - two babies born the same year!! Do they make bunk cribs?? I am breast feeding exclusively and I read that it's 98% effective....

The odds would be so low considering that it took us almost 3 years to get pregnant successfully again. We didn't have to worry about contraception because nothing was happening anyways.  I was supposed to have an IUD insertion at my 6 week post partum check-up but my OB/gyn suggested that I do that when we are sure we are done having kids since those things can stay in you for 10 years. Not to mention that when I saw all the instruments laid out on the table I totally chickened out. She gave me a prescription for the mini-pill which I took while I was nursing Ricky but then Mark lost his job and I didn't know our insurance situation and didn't want to take the pill for 3 months and then stop. Mark actually has a freelance job for the next 5 weeks but he spent quite a bit of time home the last 2 it could be possible. Well, I took a pregnancy this morning and I am NOT pregnant. I have to admit that I was disappointed. I told Mark and he called me Octomom!! I think not. 

We joked about a third child but never thought it was even an option given our history. I'm grateful for the 2 healthy boys I have but my mom, cousin and sister say I need a girl. My aunt actually told me the last day I saw her that I needed a girl. I would love to have a girl but I feel like wishing for another child would be greedy after going through secondary fertility. Having 2 kids isn't as hectic as I thought it would be so what's so bad about adding one more? I guess I'm just intimidated by the cost of private schools and college. Then there are other day to day things I think of - isn't traveling harder with 3 kids? With two you can tag team, with three, they outnumber you. I guess we'll have to see.

My dad and stepmom were here visiting from the Philippines for 3 weeks so I didn't get to blog much. They stayed in our basement where they pretty much had their own bedroom and bathroom. My dad worked here in Chicago since the late '60s and retired a few years ago and moved back there. 

I love my dad but it was nice to have our house back. I don't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to put out breakfast if I could stay in bed a while longer if Teddy would let me. But it was nice to have them around. 

Right now our priority is buying Ricky a big boy bed. We were contemplating bunk beds for the boys, but am afraid their age difference is too big that they wouldn't be interested in sharing. Teddy is huge - he just turned 3 months but he's wearing 9 month clothes! He sleeps through the night sometimes, but is usually up twice to eat at night. Ricky was up at least 4-5 times a night!! I'm still trying to adjust to having 2 kids and a house to take care of. I always try to be more organized - it's been my new year's resolution for years.


The Captain's Wife said...

OMG 9 month clothes? Kira is now in her 3-6 comfortably (at 2 mos old), however I do have a hard time getting things over her big ole head (lol).

The Captain's Wife said...

sorry to post twice...I was interupted by a crying, feverish baby...

I wanted to say that you could most certainly have an IUD inserted and then decide to have more children. The removal takes moments.

I had one in (the copper one) for 4 years. It is good for "up to" 10 years, but it can be removed at any time. When we decided to try and get pregnant I had it removed and was preggo for the 1st time in about 3mos. I just had a copper one inserted again last Thursday. I choose the copper because I don;t the hormones that are used in birth control, so the mirena was not an option for me.