Friday, February 22, 2008

Secondary Infertility - so far

After being in fertility treatments for over a month, it's been determined that I am normal. While I am relieved to be considered normal, Mark and I are both puzzled as to why we have not been able to get pregnant in over a year.

They tested all kinds of things in my blood - I probably went to have blood taken at least 4 times so far. I tested well for all the hormones I am supposed to have.

I've had multiple ultrasounds and an HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) - which was the worst pain I have endured in 20 minutes - yes it was worse than labor pains. They insert dye into your uterus to check if you have any blockages in your fallopian tubes. They told me to take some Motrin in the waiting room and said I "might have some cramping." About 2 minutes after the test, I was doubled over crying and Mark had to buy me more Motrin. I took four. Note to self: when doctors tell you to take Motrin in the waiting room, you're really going to hurt!

So I am undergoing my second cycle of fertility testing and hopefully the end of the tunnel is coming. They increased my dosage of Clomid and I had to purchase a shot of HGC to bring with me to my ultrasound when I get a positive reading on my daily ovulation pee stick. It hasn't happened yet even though I finished the Clomid. I guess my eggies aren't quite ready yet.

Last week I was in the waiting room with a woman who brought her (looked like) 5-6 year old son. Although he was older than Ricky, it didn't seem so bad with an age difference like that. Ricky might just be that boy - who knows. I feel bad for her as well as the other women I share the waiting room with - and it was interesting for me to see another person with secondary infertility. I bet it's more common than I realize - I just don't know anybody else with the same issues I have.... but I bet they're out there.

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