I've survived 4 days on Clomid and looks like my husband has also. The only time I felt the meds were making me crazy was over the weekend when Ricky begged my mom to stay a bit longer to read some bedtime books. She really needed to go - as did my sis and brother in law, but Ricky kept begging and begging. He was so cute pleading that I got a bit weepy-eyed. It's not over yet - one more day!
So we had Ricky's first (of 2 parties) birthday party at a pizza place. This was the family party. I ordered him a Dinosaur cake - which he liked and he is running all around the house with the dinosaurs - Mark cleaned them off first, of course. Ricky loves family gatherings so he was very happy and hardly ate a bite of anything. But he gets that way when he is excited - as he did at Christmas - he ate nothing all day.
We were mean parents and asked all our family members to not buy him any toys. He has way too many toys and we have run out of room. He received lots of educational books and materials - to his and his mother's delight. I am so happy my son likes books so much. What on earth would I do if he hated books? He loves Little Quack and my sister and brother in law bought him all the Little Quack books and the stuffed animal - as you can see.