Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy to Be Ignored (but heard)

We took Teddy to the hospital today for his hearing test and the results are great: his hearing is within normal ranges = he can hear everything we say and just chooses to ignore us most of the time. HOORAY!!

The doctor and her helper were wonderful. I had to bring all the comfort items since some of the tests had ear buds inserted in his ears. Of course, the stinky blanket (along with their Elmo videos) did the trick. Teddy is like Linus and has a security blanket which he drags all over the house. He gets pissed off when I wash it - and it seems to comfort him more the stinkier it is. Well, I controlled myself and didn't wash it and it was the *most* disgusting thing in the world. Mark and I both apologized up and down for the stinky blanket - but they seemed to understand - what else could they say???

Tomorrow morning Teddy will have an occupational therapy evaluation. This is just to check out his sensory stuff. I mentioned to the therapists last week that Teddy gets really pissed off when I vacuum - to the point of crying at times, so they recommended occupational therapy.

Meanwhile, we had a busy weekend and had an open house this past Sunday. We killed ourselves cleaning the house and getting it ready for TWO people to come through and of course, not be interested at all. Our realtor just called me up and said that someone wants to see our house Saturday afternoon. So for the next 2 days we'll kill ourselves once again. Having a clean house is great and all but sheeeezzzzz... won't someone buy our house??? Pretty please????

I could write more and go on and on, but I'm really freaking tired!

1 comment:

nancy said...

Yay on the hearing results. I'm sure that's a load off your mind.

I had to laugh about the blanket situation. Ella has the same Linus Syndrome with her own blanket. She's the exact same way in that she likes it when it's dirty. It's like the dirtier it is, the better it is. So gross. We have 3 blankets of the same type so she will never be without while it's washed, but the clean ones don't help her at all. She likes it dirty.

So the other night, after she was asleep, I went and exchanged the dirty blanket for a clean one. Within thirty minutes, she was awake at my bedside asking me where her blanket was. It was freaking midnight! I can't believe she figured out my try as a trick to get her blankie washed.