Friday, February 12, 2010

My Body is Still Weird

A few years ago when Mark and I were trying to conceive our second child, I didn't get AF for over 60 days. I took over 10 pregnancy tests throughout that time because my OB was hoping that we were pregnant. So finally, she brought me in for an ultrasound.

I was confused as to what I was going to see. If the tests were negative, then there should be no baby in there. Then what the hell is causing me to not get a period? Then, on the screen, we saw it.

There was a big bubble-like sac - it looked like a pregnancy. My OB gave me a blood pregnancy test just to be absolutely sure. It came out negative, so she gave me a prescription for Provera.

What a crazy thing - that there would be a sac but no baby. Later on, when we went to fertility, we found out that Mark's sperm count is kind of low, and some of his spermies aren't shaped normally. We're old, people!! Both in our late 30s. Although they said my eggs were fine, it's common knowledge that women lose 90% of their eggs by the time they turn 30.

Well, Mark and I are NOT trying to conceive a third child right now. We have 2 healthy boys who keep me incredibly busy. Not to mention the fact that we've bought our own insurance that doesn't include maternity coverage. Teddy's c-section alone was $30,000!!! This doesn't count all the expenses I had for my gestational diabetes, asthma, cracked ribs, etc. So no, we're not trying. I think 2 is our lucky (VERY lucky) number.

So getting to my point - it happened again. I am on day #47 and no sign of anything. I've taken 4 tests that were all negative and started taking Provera last night. I have to take it for 10 days - then it could take up to 7 days to work!!!

Meanwhile, I feel like I've been in a permanent state of PMS for the last 3 weeks! Yesterday I had an especially hard time with the kids and the house and I thought I was going to explode. My mom showed up after work and I left to go to the store to buy valentines treats for Ricky's class party which is today and a birthday present. I felt bad that I wanted to get away, but I needed a mental break!

I think after a few years, my body is reminding me it's still weird and I should be careful - very, very careful.

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