Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh Binky Head Gear, Where Art Thou?

Teddy is 9 weeks old and hasn't figured out how to keep the binky in his mouth - or how to pick it up and put it in his mouth. He's too little - plus I make it kind of hard for him by making him wear those no-scratch mittens at night. If I don't, he'll scratch up his face.

The problem is that at night, when the binky falls out of his mouth, he wakes up and cries for it. I have to put it back in his mouth for him. I got sick and tired of getting up out of bed and walking over to the bassinet so I just pushed the bassinet next to my side of the bed. That way, I just stick my arm in the bassinet and put the binky back in his mouth throughout the night.

The problem is that during the day, when he naps, and this happens, I have to stop what I'm doing to walk over to him and put the binky back in his mouth. It's kind of a pain. If I just let him cry, he won't stop crying and gets all red and stuff. When Ricky cries too much, he throws up, and I am always afraid Teddy is like his big brother.

Do they make binky head gears? Or special scotch tape to solve this problem? I am just joking around...I guess it will just take him time to figure it out as he gets older....

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