Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Bad Patch or Bad Luck?

I can hardly believe I haven't blogged since November! I stopped working at the library because I was oh-so-huge and I think that cut into a lot of my online time. A lot has happened since then.

We had our baby boy, Teddy, the first week of January. He was supposed to be a c-section on 1/15 but decided to come 3 weeks early. It was kind of funny. I knew he was coming - I wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home. I have a fear breaking my water all over someone's couch and having to replace it. The day Teddy arrived I stayed home and watched the Sex and the City movie (again) and Mark and Ricky went to the mall. When the arrived, Mark brought me a sub sandwich and I was so hungry and couldn't wait to eat it. I took the sandwich and plopped on the couch and when I did that, my water broke. I ran to the bathroom and left a lovely trail behind me.

Teddy arrived 2 hours later at 8 pounds, 3 ounces. He is now a chunky 13 pounds at 2 months old. He is our little miracle baby. Ricky took it kind of hard in the beginning - you could totally tell he was jealous. It's been a few months and I think he is used to the change. He has to kiss Teddy all the time - so cute.

When we brought Teddy home from the hospital, a pipe broke in our house and our refrigerator died.

My postpartum was rocky. I developed a few cysts - one the size of a golf ball- along my incision. It hurt like hell and I was on vicodin and popping Advils every few hours. It went away the morning my dear aunt passed away. I am no longer diabetic - I passed my glucose test the other week - yay. My asthma is another story. Looks like she is here to stay.

My aunt was dying and had a few months. She had some complications and left us a lot sooner than expected. I was taking Teddy to the hospital with me on death watch - I wanted to be with my aunt but also wanted to nurse my baby. This went on for a few weeks. She passed away the first week of February. I really miss her.

To make matters worse, 4 days after my aunt's funeral, Mark was laid off. He survived their layoffs at least 4 times around. Not so lucky this time. I love having him home - and so does Ricky. It is nice to have every day feel like Saturday. He has been taking Ricky to preschool and picking up - and was even the volunteer room dad last week for me. In Mark's industry freelancing is common, so that eases my worry a bit. He should be able to get jobs here and there until a permanent one comes around. Meanwhile, we've been spending as less as we can. This has a domino effect - we can't put our house on the market if Mark has no income. The housing market sucks so bad anyways - we're planning on renting our house out.

With the exception of Teddy's birth, this year has really sucked the big one so far. I don't think it could get worse - at least it better not.

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