Monday, June 8, 2009

A Whole Lot of Rambling

Well, it's been a week and things are slightly better. I still need to nurse Teddy to sleep when I put him down for the night, but he still gets up 5 to 6 times a night screaming for me to nurse him again. Last night I was so tired and fed up by 3a.m. that I turned my monitor down and let him cry. I had already been in there every hour. This baby is so stubborn - if you let him cry, he will cry for HOURS and HOURS. It's heartbreaking and horrible to listen to because you feel so bad. He sounds like someone is murdering him - it's awful. 

Well I reserved the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" from the library because my copy is at the other house and I have to freaking clue where it is. If I get 3 hours of sleep straight, I feel golden - isn't that pathetic? Luckily Ricky can sleep through the bloodcurdling shrieks - I have no clue how this is possible. They are in separate rooms but next door to each other. 

Mark got a freelancing gig last week and it's for this week too. I am tempted to nurse to shush up Teddy all the more so he doesn't wake Mark. And poor Mark, I have been so freaking tired, that any other activities (wink wink) are on the backburner. 

As for nursing, I am on fenugreek but haven't been so good with the pumping. Teddy is a chunker - already wearing 12 months clothes and he's only 5 months old. So he's not starving...

Ricky finished his 3 year old preschool last week. They had an end of the school year picnic. The parents of the class  clown named Ryan - the worst behaved boy I have ever seen - was laying it on thick and asking me to have playdates with their son. I felt like a total asshole, but I said thanks but never said anything like Ryan is also welcome in our home, let's get together at the park this summer, here is my phone number, etc. I DO NOT want Ricky playing with him. Bad behavior feels contagious.... do you think that's totally overprotective?

I'm meeting 2 of my girlfriends for lunch tomorrow. Mark is working so I have to bring the boys. It will be great to see my buddies. One is married with 3 kids and the other is newly divorced with a boyfriend and has 2 kids. I've been friends with them for about 12 years. (shit has it been that long???)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hope you get some sleep soon. I remember doing CIO with Phoebe and it was horrible, but worth it. I can't believe sometime this year we'll be doing that all over again with the boys.

And that is the best way I think to handle unwanted playdate requests. Be all nice, but then conveniently forget to give your contact info. If they manage to get yours from somewhere, be very busy. You're not being overprotective.