Sunday, January 17, 2010

Talking About Milk

Teddy is on whole milk now - completely. No more formula. He just turned a year old 2 weeks ago so it's time. In just a matter of days, I was able to get Teddy to take whole milk without having to mix it with formula. At first I thought I would do it gradually - and put 2 ounces of formula with 4 ounces of whole milk. He really liked it so I just went right to 100% whole milk.

Now I will probably spend about $6 or $7 dollars a week on milk rather than the $30 a week I was spending on a can of Enfamil each week. Mark is freelancing, but has not been able to find a permanent job - so this savings will be huge - roughly $28 for milk rather than $120 for formula a month! That's huge.

Ricky was nursed for 14 months. When I introduced whole milk, he hated it - and continued to not like white milk to this day. I wonder if not having formula at all contributed to this? He went right from breast milk to juice. That's all he would drink for almost the first year. So now he will drink chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry milk. So I just go with what he likes. He's a skinny guy, so the extra calories isn't really a concern for me.


Heather said...

We have 4 1/2 months left to go before we can change to milk! Think what that cost will be reduced to with twins!!! We'll be rich, BWAAAHHHH!!! Not really, but we'll feel it.

Carrie Ann said...

Wow, that's right - you have twice the cost that I do. Holy cow. More money to throw at their diapers!!

Your boys are soooo beautiful, just like Phoebe!