I just finished reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett and it was sooooo good. So while waiting for some of the books I have on hold at the library, I had no idea what to read next. Then one day when I was working, I saw this book in the teen section as I walked by. This book came out in 1990. I've always heard of it but never read it.
I was a big nerdy bookworm in childhood and read everything up until high school. I missed out on all the books that came out while I was in high school and college and I find myself as a mother in her 30s wanting to read all the books I missed. Actually, I find myself really enjoying young adult books a lot - sometimes more than the adult ones.
They say that being a stay-at-home mother takes points off your I.Q. I probably should be reading something more sophisticated but you know what? I just like to be entertained - and all this teen angst is *very* entertaining. Sometimes I feel like young adult books are like crack or a bad habit. I feel a little embarassed checking them out of the library and I use book covers if I read them in public. Pathetic, I know. Who the hell cares what someone reads anyway? Well I do. I look at what people are reading all the freaking time.
I can always use the I'm-a-Librarian excuse to myself I suppose. We're supposed to read as much as we can so we can recommend books.
Let's just say I love to read. Period. I don't want to think about my I.Q. right now...