Thursday, November 6, 2008

Newsflash: I am an Ass Facker

So tonight I'm sitting at the AV desk (dvds, cds, audiobook section) at the library, minding my own business and chatting with my co-worker. This blonde-haired 6 year old boy comes up to my desk and hands me a note folded in half. He is smiling and is kind of cute.

I open the note. It says all in capital letters:


My first instinct was to laugh and I did, very hard. But then I thought, this kid just handed the librarian a mean note. I thought that if Ricky had done this, I would want to know about it. I approached his mother and gave her the note and told her that he had given it to me. She made him apologize but didn't seem angry at all. It was an "oh my" kind of thing. That's just great. No wonder why he gets away with doing things like this. His older brothers thought it was hilarious too.

Do I look like an ass facker????


Heather said...

Yowza! I can't believe she let her kid get away with that! Well, I guess if he went that far, he must know his mother is a pushover. Either that or she just doesn't care about him.

Unknown said...

You have to ask? The little guy sure thought so. LOL. I think the kid has bad parents and feel pretty bad for him.