I was room mom at Ricky's preschool for their halloween party. I dressed up as a fat, pregnant cat. I could have borrowed my sister's nun costume, but showing up as a pregnant nun to a Catholic school would probably have been frowned upon - even though I would have enjoyed it.
Even though I just had to bring the drink for their snack, I decided to bake my usual sugar cookies. For the past few years, I've baked sugar cookies for Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. It's pretty labor intensive but I really enjoy it. But this time, being pregnant, tired, and having a 3 year old who wants to "help" made my once relaxing and enjoying activity a really stressful one. It's my own fault - I didn't have to do it but I know that if I weren't pregnant I'd be doing it so by golly, it had to be done. I didn't have the energy to frost eyes on the bats and ghosts but I really didn't care in the end. It was a miracle I even baked in the first place.

Mark came home early for work and the three of us were able to trick-or-treat up and down our street for a few hours. Ricky got better and better at approaching strangers, saying thankyous and looked like a regular kid running from house to house by the end of it. Since he has a nut allergy, I had to separate about 45% of his loot because the candies contained peanuts or "may contain" nuts. I feel bad for the kid - those Reese's peanut butter cups are the best!! He's missing out on those!! The poor kid also woke up with swollen itchy eyes - I guess walking around for a few hours woke up more of his allergies. A lot of people own dogs and I'm sure he was exposed to the dander in little bits when they opened their doors.
The one thing that I can't understand is where the heck are all the kids???? I stopped buying oodles of candy and this year I only bought 2 HUGE bags - worried I would run out. Well we left a bowl outside with a note saying "take 5" and it wasn't empty when we came home. Then our doorbell rang just 3 times after that. It was a friday night too - not a school night. We live 2 blocks away from a school in Chicago for god's sake.
Overheard tidbits from Ricky:
(A woman dropped 4 kit kats in Ricky's bag -his favorite)
"Thank you!! Dr. Verges said that I can eat LOTS and LOTS of kit kats!!!!"
um no she didn't
(A woman answered the door with a VERY large dog. She says Ricky must be afraid of him)
"No, I am not afraid of your dog. I am ALLERGIC to your dog!!"
(A woman drops candy in Ricky's bag and mentions that it has nuts or peanuts in it.)
"Well I can't have any candy with nuts!! I'm allergic to nuts!!"
crap. forgot to tell him to just say thank you and leave and not mention the nut thing to people.
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