Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Save the Drama for Your Mama

Yesterday while I was on the phone with my sister, Ricky said he needed to use the bathroom. I told him to go ahead and that I would follow him in there when he was done. He usually calls me. Well he finished and decided to lock the door and pull it shut on his way out.

I was upset, but not so much because he is only 3 and didn't fully realize the possible consequences of his actions. When I told him that because of this I couldn't go to work, he smiled really big. Uh oh - hope he doesn't pull this again on days when he wants me stay home.

We have a key - more like a wire to open these doors. I tried it on our den door and it worked, but for some reason, I couldn't get the bathroom door open. Of course. I couldn't unscrew the hinges because they were in the inside.

This created a few problems for me - this happened at 1pm and I had to be at work by 4pm. My contacts, glasses, makeup, toothbrush and toothpaste were all in the bathroom. While it wouldn't be such a big deal to show up without makeup for one day (not thrilled to do so but oh well), there was no way in hell I could drive to work blind as a bat. I would have to take a cab to the library! So I called my boss and found a substitute - thankfully.

I tried to open the door for over 3 hours. No luck. Thank goodness we have a second bathroom in the basement - with my little bladder I would have died without a toilet.

When Mark came home from work it took him less than 5 seconds to get that bathroom door open - laughing at me the whole time. Of course. Lesson learned: Keep duplicates of my toiletries outside of the bathroom in case this happens again and learn how to unlock that bathroom door!

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