Tuesday, August 3, 2010

19 months old and not really talking....

I took Teddy to his 18 month old check-up a few weeks ago and since he really only says "mommy" and 'dadada", the pediatrician gave me a script for speech therapy. I haven't had a chance to call the insurance to see if it's covered yet, so I haven't taken him yet. I think there is a part of me that thinks I can do the therapy on him myself.

Ricky and Teddy are completely different. Ricky was talking non-stop at 12 months but didn't walk until 18 months. Teddy was walking and running at 12 months and still not really talking - today he turns 19 months.

The doctor told me that this is a genetic trait and I found out from my MIL that my husband was a delayed talker and our nephew (who is very bright) didn't talk until the age of 3!!!

This not talking thing is kind of a blow to my over-achieving side of the family. It causes some worry because delayed speech can be linked to autism or other learning disabilities. I'm hoping that since Mark and our nephew were delayed in speech (but turned out just fine) that Teddy's situation is nothing but a repeat of what's in his genes.

Ricky knew all his letters by 20 months - I had a deck of flashcards and put them in random order and he knew them. (I really did it to wow my dad - who visits once a year). When I think of this, it makes me really worry about Teddy. I know each child is different and develops at their own pace, so I really try to put it out of my mind. Teddy is constantly babbling sounds (which is good) and I hope that his delayed speech is nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, I better see if the speech therapy is covered by insurance....


The Captain's Wife said...

Have you looked into a state run Birth to three program? They provide an in home evaluation for free. Then the therapy cost is determined based on your household income and is conducted in the home (or your daycare if you are a daycare family...but I don't think you are).
Baby K is also 18 months and has only around 3-4 words (Mommy is not one of them) we were evaluated by Bto3 and becasue she was advanced in other catergories we were not eligible for their therapy, but the women that came gave us some suggestions and tools to use and we do see them working.

Part of what they "test" for during their visit is autism traits as well.

GL, it is hard to be frustrated about our LO's not communicating..

Carrie Ann said...

Thank you so much for commenting - I had no clue about Birth to Three. I will definitely do that. Thanks!!!

The Captain's Wife said...

Would like to hear about your experience once you have eval done. I will say that the 2 women that came to my home were really very kind and Baby K took to them right away. As hard as it was for me to hear that she was "significantly delayed" in expressive language I was so glad that they were able to provide me with tips to help her make her way to the "normal" range.

BTW...she said Momma today! Yeah!!!