Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ricky's Question of the Day

I'm standing in front of my closet - trying to decide what to wear to work. Ricky is sitting on our bed, jumping around and talking to me.

"Mommy I want to ask you something." he says

"Yeah, what?" I say.

"Why is your butt growing?" he asks.

"Because your baby brother is growing in my belly." I laugh.

"But he's not in your butt. So why is it growing and getting bigger?" he asks.


nancy said...

~giggle~. That's awesome.

Just 2 days ago, I was walking through the house naked because I was about to take a shower and Ella said "Your butt moves up and down when you walk!"

Hooeyspewer said...

"But he's not in your butt" LOL! Can't get much past a 3 yr old, huh?