Friday, September 19, 2008

"Hanging in There" Has a New Meaning for Me

I haven't blogged in an eternity because a weird thing is happening to me. For the last 6 weeks I have been bombarded by one medical ailment after another and I am hoping it's stopped.

It all started with a cough on August 10 - I'm not weird, I just know that was the day we went to the Renaissance Fair and I had a little cough. Since that day, I haven't been able to shake it off, and I actually cracked ribs on my left side 3 weeks ago and earlier this week I cracked ribs on my right side. All from coughing so hard! Talk about excruciating pain. And all I can take is Tylenol 3 with codeine. I was actually crying for 3 hours when it happened. So any movement whatsoever makes me cry out in pain. Sucks.

Meanwhile, I have been told that I have gestational diabetes so since Monday I have been pricking my fingers 4 times a day and I have gone on a special diet. I don't mind the diet so much - in fact I think I really needed it. But the pricking - I mind. I will find out in the next few days if they want me to do insulin injections on top of that - and I am praying I don't need them. That's a big needle to me. That would mean I'd be pricking myself 6 times a day total.

I also have been told that I now have asthma. Apparently I have had it my entire life and didn't know it - and it just took pregnancy and this sickness I have to bring it to surface.

I haven't been working much the last few weeks. I've felt crappy and been in too much pain. Driving hurts too. I feel really bad for the baby because of all the drugs I've been taking. We have spent so much money on all kinds of prescriptions this month it's ridiculous. I just hope the baby is okay and I can shake this lung problem once and for all. The lung specialist I saw tuesday said that if I don't get better, he's admitting me into the hospital next week.

My 35th birthday is a week from today and I better not be sick!


nancy said...

Oh boy, that's terrible! Poor you in so much pain.

Don't worry about the Rxs you've been taking. If your weren't healthy (or being helped through it), it would be even worse for the baby.

I hope you are finally feeling better!

Topcat said...

I can't believe you can crack ribs from coughing! I hope you are on the mend ... and congratulations on your pregnancy! Woot! xo